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Text File | 1994-11-07 | 8.3 KB | 203 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- DSKA - a Macintosh based TMS3202x assembler
- User Interface by Eric Brombaugh (ericb@sicom.com)
- version 1.2 9-26-94
- Assembler by Lloyd Miller ( lloyd@lfmcal.cuc.ab.ca)
- version 0.16
- This program is a simple assembler for the Texas Instruments TMS3202x family
- of Digital Signal Processors. It is intended for use with the program dskL by
- Gerrit Polder, which can be used to download the assembled code to the TI DSK
- development system.
- The user interface is extremely simple. To assemble a source file, select your
- text file in the File->Open menu. Then select File->Assemble. A console I/O
- window will open indicating the progress of the assembly. If there are errors,
- they will be listed in this window. Successful assembly will be noted here as
- well. If you have corrected errors, you may re-assemble the source text by
- choosing File->Assemble again, without first going to the File->Open menu.
- The File->Preferences item allows you to customize the .xxx extension of your
- resulting binary output file and listing file. The defaults are .dsk for the binary
- file, and .lst for the listing file. You may also change the size (row, column) of
- the console I/O window. Note that the contents of the console I/O window will
- be lost if you click OK in the preferences dialog.
- The file type of both of the output files is 'TEXT', so they may be viewed with
- TeachText or SimpleText. The creator of the binary file has been set to dskL,
- which will allow you to load the binary file into Gerrit Polder's dskL application
- simply by double-clicking on the file in the Finder.
- The following files should be included with this archive:
- 1) DSKA The assembler application.
- 2) dska.doc This documentation file.
- 3) hostspec.asm A spectrum analyzer which plots on the host computer.
- 4) mmregs.inc An include file which defines symbols for the TMS320c26 registers.
- 5) dsk_twid.inc An include file which defines sine/cosines for an fft.
- 6) TESTF.ASM An assembler test file.
- Rev 1.2 10/15/94
- Updated assembler code to version 0.17.
- Rev 1.1 10/10/94
- Updated assembler code to version 0.16. Added GetNextEvent during
- assembly to allow multitasking.
- Rev 1.0
- Initial release.
- There are a few things about this program which could be better, command keys
- would be nice for instance but were left out because they conflict with the Think C
- console interface. A nice help system would be good, but doesn't really add to
- the functionality.
- If you have any bug-reports or problems with this application, please let me know.
- Don't bother Lloyd, as he cannot support the Macintosh version.
- Thanks go to Lloyd Miller of course, for his clearly written assembler code. This
- program would simply not exist without his original work. Gerrit Polder helped
- immensely in the beta-test of this code, as well as providing motivation for
- doing it in the first place. Ron Parsons of TAPR helped debug some assembler
- errors after the initial release.
- This program is freeware. Use it, but don't sell it.
- Enjoy!
- Eric Brombaugh
- ericb@sicom.com
- emeb@indirect.com
- Sept. 26, 1994
- The following are docs from Lloyd Miller pertaining to his dska.c assembler. Since
- the Macintosh version of dska is based on his code, I have included it here.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Some random notes regarding the dska.c dsp starters kit assembler
- unofficial replacement I have created. This kinda assumes you have a TI
- DSP Starters' kit and you have tried to use their assembler.
- Features this assembler has that the standard dska.exe that comes free
- with the DSK did not have:
- simple arithmetic expressions (+-*/ and ()s)
- nested include files
- nested .if/.else/.endif
- free source code
- Linux compatibility (actually general portability but I haven't tested
- it that much to make that claim)
- second pass listing showing actual generated code offsets
- Features this assembler lacks that the standard dska.exe had:
- The command line option to define symbols.
- To use this assembler, you will probably need to compile it yourself
- since I only give out source code. You have to link with the math
- library probably (-lm).
- I compile it regularly on Linux with GCC and occasionally on MS-DOS
- with Borland's Turbo-C 2.0.
- To run the assembler the command line is:
- dska source.asm binout.dsk listout.lst
- The arguments are file names.
- source.asm is your input file.
- binout.dsk is the output binary in .dsk format just like the TI
- assembler
- listout.lst is the output listing file much like the TI assembler but
- I think it is better
- If you do not want one of the output files then use /dev/null (or NUL:
- on MS-DOS).
- The .dsk binary file format is pretty stupid but we have to use it to be
- able to cooperate with the debugger and stuff.
- You should be able to use an expression combining numbers and symbols
- anywhere that you could use a number or a symbol before. The obvious
- exception is the dumb expressions as labels that TI tries to call a
- feature in their assembler. You can only have plain symbol names in the
- label positions of lines.
- The colons (":") on labels are optional. Labels and only labels start
- in column one. Comments can also start in column one. Either a ";" or a
- "*" in column one makes the whole line into a comment. "*" not in
- column one will generally just be an error if it doen't make sense as a
- multiplication. Anything else must be preceded by a space or a tab.
- Labels must be separated from the operation field by a space or a tab.
- The nasty restrictions they claim for the conditional assembly
- expression is of course totally relaxed.
- I think you could use an external macro processor such as m4 but it
- would mean the line numbers wouldn't mean much any more. Perhaps someday
- the assembler could recognize embeded #line operations.
- One place you cannot (yet) use expressions is the floating point values
- for the .qxx, .lqxx, .float, .double, .bfloat, and .efloat directives.
- Ordinary labels cannot be redefined but labels on .set directives can be
- redefined at will.
- Forward references are generally OK in the instruction operands and
- data lists but if you try hard enough you can get things confused
- between the values found for pass 1 and pass 2. The assembler might
- missleadingly claim you are trying to redefine labels in pass 2.
- The listings show only the first two words of generated object code for
- each line. Do not be concerned if you want more than two words of data
- generated for a .word, .byte, .string, or one of the floating point
- formats that generates more than two words. The .dsk file will be fine
- even though the listing only shows the first two words. You can see the
- data in the .dsk file itself or you can examine the memory with the
- debugger. Perhaps I will fix this someday if I can figure out a nice
- way to do it.
- A lot of the error messages are repeated the same on both passes.
- Error messages in the listing file will generally PRECEDE the line they
- refer to.
- "$ .set nnnn" is allowed but doesn't accomplish anything. The symbol
- "$" is reset to the current assmbly address for every line of the
- assembly. Using "$" as a label will produce lots of wierd error
- messages.
- I make no effort to pass judgment on the severity of conditions
- detected. Error messages are not classified into warnings and fatals.
- Lines skipped with .if can produce error messages while trying to
- decode opcode fields looking for .endif. .else or nested .ifs. This
- just means you should only use conditional assembly for actual code. To
- skip over comment blocks or other lines which should never be assembled
- use regular comment lines, not conditional assembly.
- If you look at the structure of the assembler itself, you will find it
- is pretty straight forward. Pass_1 and pass_2 contain mainly a giant
- switch statement each based on the statement we are working on. There
- is lots of code duplicated which might better have been in common
- functions. This design resulted from seat-of-the-pants design while
- coding and edit mark block and copy, not from any deep conviction that
- it is right. The look up of the operation and the symbols are ultra
- simple linear searching. Hashing or sorting seemed like more trouble
- than they were worth. Tables have hard (but I think generous) limits
- that require editing the source and recompiling to change.
- Lloyd Miller
- lloyd@lfmcal.cuc.ab.ca
- 1994 May 23 .. June 21